Recent Zoom Service Videos
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Feb. 27, 2022
Dr. Rebekah Savage
“An Elegant Sufficiency” The way of over-consumption has become the norm in much of American culture. Conversely, the concept of “enough” is a spiritual practice that shines as a beacon for how we can lessen inequality and heal ourselves and our world. We will reflect on ways to match our intentions with our daily lives as a spiritual practice.
Feb. 13, 2022
Greg Carrow-Boyd
Dec 19, 2021
Christmas Music Service
May 9, 2021
Greg Carrow-Boyd
“What Unitarian Universalists Actually Believe”
In this service, we will revisit some of our core beliefs as Unitarian Universalists. Story and dialogue help us workshop practical examples of how we live out the values that shine through our beliefs, especially when it is challenging to do so. Gather with us for worship!
April 11, 2021
Rev. Rebekah Savage
“Slower and Slower” Have you heard about the Slow Movement? Slower and slower everything. Living, eating, moving. Lily Tomlin wisely shared, “For fast acting relief, try slowing down.” In order to embrace healing as a spiritual practice, we consider the pace of things in the quest for wholeness.
March 14, 2021
Rev. Gregory Carrow Boyd
“Today Already”
A year since a national two-week mandate restructured our lives explicitly, it is time to remember how we got and how we will be with one another going forward. The work of being ancestors worthy of the respect of future generations is tireless and timeless work to which we can always recommit. Already today, it is time to pause, reflect, and recommit to the work of living into a world worth making just.
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, MEd, is a Master Credentialed Religious Educator and Aspirant for ministry. He serves on the Board of Trustees of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Greg does not have a favorite color and is working to center Black joy in all his ways of being in the world. Greg also works as the Coordinator for More Than Sex-Ed, a Greater LA-based sexuality education collective that brings the UUA- and United Church of Christ comprehensive sexuality education curriculum,Our Whole Lives, to schools, home school groups and the greater community.
Feb. 28th, 2021
Rev. Doug McCuster
Negativity and despair can wear us down. Our climate is changing and for the last four years our national leadership denied science and made things worse. A new day is rising, and it is time to act. But first we must clean up our internal psychic pollution if we are to make a difference. We are called to engage with the suffering of the planet. Join us as we explore the hopeful opportunities and developments right in front of us because of the amazing work going on at the local, regional, and global level.
Rev. Doug McCusker comes to us today from Fredericksburg, Virginia along the Rappahannock River. Doug is in his sixth year as the settled minister of the UU Fellowship of Fredericksburg. He also leads a prison ministry with the Humanist Group at the Coffeewood Correctional Center in Mitchells, VA. Whenever he gets the chance, he leads groups in an outdoor meditation practice known as forest bathing. Mindful meditation, hiking, reading the Tao Te Ching and theological exploration are some of Doug’s main spiritual practices. Before going into ministry, he retired from a 32-year career as a cartographer and systems engineer with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. He and his spouse Marie live with their cat Zeebo, and have an adult child, Bree, who lives in Massachusetts.
“UU Survival, UU Relevance, and the 8th Principle”
Feb. 14th, 2021
Dr. Bob Clegg
The UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change published the report of their 3-year study last year. The report was overwhelmingly approved by the UUGA in June. What is the message of this newest in a history of UUA commission reports? We will look at the challenges of this report, the demands it makes of us, and why it may hold the key to the survival of Unitarian Universalism and its relevance to society.
Bob Clegg is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick. He holds an M.Div. degree from Wesley Theological Seminary, and he works a lay minister who runs Justice Jobs of Maryland, a free nonprofit jobs office in Frederick. Bob and his wife Connie live in New Market, MD with their cat, Lilly.
“UU Survival, UU Relevance, and the 8th Principle”
December 6th, 2020
Rev. Phyllis Hubbell
“A Blue Christmas”
This year, Elvis Presley will need to come back and edit his song, Blue Christmas. It’s not just Christmas that will be blue. It’s all the traditional holidays we won’t be spending together. We come together to find the tiny pieces of joy that may lurk even when we are blue. I invite you to dress in something that makes you happy, whether it is an old sweatshirt, or a red sparkley dress. During our time for sharing, we will have show and tell. Let’s bring a gift you received that continues to mean a lot to us, whether it is an object or intangible.
November 8th, 2020
Rev. Cindy Terlazzo
“Finding Faith in Troubling Times”
2020 has proven to be a year unlike any that most of us have experienced within our lifetime. New worries and troubling occurrences have been happening almost daily. This election has put many of us in a state of constant concern. Yet within this framework we are called upon to keep on with our lives – finding faith to continue will be the topic of today’s service.
October 25th, 2020
Gregory Carrow-Boyd
“Faithless Electors”
As we inch closer to Election Day around the country, we turn to acts of courage and hope so that we can trust that the outcome is the best possible for our nation. Too many times, however, we seek a hopeful result without faith in others to see it through. Being faithless electors in this time can hide the Unitarian Universalist values that must guide our votes as well as the actions we take in the coming days and well after the election. Gather with us for a service of rejoining hope with faith in our wildest dreams of doing even better together.
October 11th, 2020
Dr. Bob Clegg
“Zwang: The Cost of Lasting Commitment”
September 27th, 2020
Rev. Lori Staubitz
“Healing and Community”
Please join us online this coming Sunday as we gather to begin anew with Rev. Lori Staubitz; co-founding minister of UUCC. As we come to this season of gratitude and harvest amidst of so much uncertainty, loss and grief, let us center in on that which sustains us to endure and thrive. May we get in touch with our need to let go and forgive to make room for that all embracing love which can and will unite and reconcile us to life and to love. Please have a glass of water on hand to participate in a ceremony of cleansing and forgiveness. We hope you will be able to join online zoom at 10:30am September 27th for this In-gathering Worship Service as we begin a new congregational year together.
September 9th, 2020
James Gibbons Walker
“Coming Home”
We welcome each other—members, friends, first time visitors—home to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Chesapeake. Rev. James Gibbons Walker will invite us to reflect on having a place to share our fears, celebrate our strengths, and work toward our dreams.