Connecting People with the Land
22 miles of trails across a 3,000 acre preserve, guided canoe trips on the beautiful Parkers Creek, regenerative farming that benefits a local food pantry. ACLT is dedicated to land conservation and to the community.

American Chestnut Land Trust Website

Volunteers, supporters, and staff make up the ACLT team. Together, we:

We permanently protect natural areas by land purchase, conservation easements and land leases. We also inform land owners of their preservation options.

4-volunteers-chainsawsCare for.
We maintain, manage, and monitor the properties we own or lease and we monitor other land where we hold easements.

Using no-till and permaculture techniques, we raise food to donate to those in need.

We provide opportunities for people to experience the wonders of the Parkers Creek Preserve and to learn more about how ecosystems keep us happy, healthy and wise.

Children and adults are fascinated by Maryland’s natural world. ACLT offers programs for both to inspire and teach about caring for and sustaining a healthy ecosystem.

Karen Edgecombe, Lili Sheeline, and Joy Bartholomew.Advocate.
We work with other county groups to promote land conservation “to achieve a future for Calvert County that fully integrates farming, fishing, natural and cultural resources, along with economic and societal needs.”